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Shipping Policy

As a seller, you agree to ship sold items to the buyer within seven days. The seller is responsible for entering in a valid tracking number that confirms delivery to the correct address before getting paid. You can update the tracking here . After seven days, if a tracking number is not entered, the order will cancel. If you’re unable to ship the item within seven days, please send us an email . We’re happy to reach out to the buyer and request an extension for you.

If you enter a false tracking number, Geartrade will not pay you for the item sold until Geartrade receives verification that the item was shipped and delivered to the correct address. If this continues, your account will be permanently suspended.

As a seller, you have three shipping options.

  1. PrePaid Shipping Labels . Take the work out of calculating shipping costs and creating labels. We will automatically create a label for you. Simply print the label and drop it off at your nearest FedEx location/dropbox, Walgreens or Dollar General here:
  2. Free Shipping . You can choose not to charge the buyer for shipping. So, any shipping costs you incur will not be reimbursed.
  3. Flat Rate . You can choose to charge the buyer a flat rate for shipping. You will be reimbursed for that amount.

If your gear is oversized (bikes, skis, snowboards, etc), please select the Flat Rate option, as shipping calculators don’t often account for oversize fees. A good rule of thumb is $50 for a pair of mounted skis, $45 for un-mounted skis and boards and $100-150 for bikes. USPS Parcel Post is a great value for oversized items, but bikes are often too big for USPS. For these items, we suggest to check on the shipping rates beforehand: